Welcome to the EMBRC Core Facility
What is EMBRC?
The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) aims to advance fundamental and applied marine biology and ecology research, while promoting the development of blue biotechnology. This is achieved by facilitating access to marine organisms and ecosystems, experimental facilities, technological platforms, and relevant services in its 32 marine stations and research institutes in 9 countries including Belgium.
What is a core facility?
A Core Facility brings together highly specialised and indispensable scientific expertise, services and research infrastructure in a real or virtual entity (whether or not across disciplines and/or user groups). A Core Facility promotes cooperation between researchers, both internally and externally, and elaborates a strategy for the renewal and/or expansion of the research infrastructure within the Core Facility. Its use is open to all researchers within the Core Facility and/or other users within and outside Ghent University.